Spaas Kaarsen achieves ISO 14001:2015 certificate

As a company, we are fully committed to sustainable and responsible business practices. Sustainability is also a strategic anchor of our business strategy. We are therefore very proud to accept the ISO 14001:2015 certification from today, in addition to our previously obtained certificates.

What is ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 is a worldwide standard, used to set up and certify environmental management systems. The standard constitutes a useful management system for evaluating, improving and reporting environmental performance and monitoring compliance with environmental legislation. Not only the environmental aspects of the organisation itself, but also the impact on our stakeholders is considered.

ISO 14001 is characterised by:

  • Its international nature and is therefore not based on national legislation
  • Protection of the environment
  • Continuous improvement of environmental performance
  • Control of environmental risks
  • Connection to other standards so that care for quality, environment and safety can be managed in one system

By integrating the Plan Do Check Act philosophy, ISO 14001 encourages continuous improvement in the context of environmental care. As an organisation, we do this through creating and following up on an annual action plan.

The impact of Spaas

Productie Manager Peter Adriaensen: “Spaas Kaarsen is dedicated to sustainability and environmental stewardship. By adhering to the ISO 14001 standard, we demonstrate our commitment to reducing our impact on air emissions, soil, wastewater, waste, and the responsible use of resources. This marks a step forward towards a greener future for everyone.”


What impact do we want to create as an organisation?

  • Reducing our annual air emissions by including an annual energy audit, use of electric vehicles, switching to intermodal transport ...
  • Ensuring less soil pollution by creating environmental and safety rounds in our production, storing hazardous substances on drip trays, putting up instruction sheets and providing physical training ...
  • Checking the concentration of hazardous substances in waste water.
  • Reducing our waste but also sorting it even more accurately.
  • Review the raw materials of our products and packaging based on the reduce-reuse-recycle-rethink method.

What are our ambitions

Sustainability Manager Elise Maris: "I'm proud to work with our dedicated environmental team to achieve the ISO 14001 certification. This promotes sustainability by improving our environmental performance, involving all departments and stakeholders and strengthening risk management. It shows our commitment to producing eco-friendly products." 


As a company, our goal for the next 25 years is to tackle climate change, to use more sustainable packaging, to increase renewable raw materials, to promote biodiversity as well as minimalize our operational waste and water consumption.

Read more about our sustainable initiatives in our sustainability report.

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